Pastors Joshua & Joy Hester with Pastors Earl & Renee Harris cordially invite you to join them in celebration of
17 years of ministry.
At this year's Banquet we will address the process of God bringing us from deception to deliverance and how Vision Church walks out this calling at both our South Toledo and Waterville campuses. We are excited to announce that this year's guest speaker is Chad Gilligan!
Registration & Silent Auction Begin at 5:30pm
This is a black & white themed event.
We encourage you to wear black, white and/or gold.
This is not required but is optional.
Early Bird Tickets $65 each (must order before September 1st)
Standard Tickets $75 each
Ticket purchase includes 3-course meal & entrance to event
All Tickets Must be Ordered by
September 29th at 5pm.

Parkway Place
2592 Parkway Plaza, Maumee, OH 43537, USA

We are honored to welcome Pastor Chad Gilligan as our keynote speaker at this year's annual banquet. Chad Gilligan is a husband to Rhonda, father of three and grandfather of one. For the last 25 years, he has been privileged to serve at Calvary Church in Maumee, Ohio, first as Children’s Pastor and currently as Lead Pastor. Calvary is a multi-generational church of faith-filled people who are willing to trust God to do big things so lives can be changed through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Chad’s heart is to communicate God’s Word in practical, life-impacting ways.

Donations can also be mailed to Vision Ministries 1630 Broadway St., Toledo, OH 43609